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The Tale of Squirrel Nutkin

The Tale of Squirrel Nutkin by Beatrix Potter is an engaging children's story that follows the mischievous Squirrel Nutkin and his adventures on Owl Island. Nutkin, along with his fellow squirrels, travels to the island to collect nuts. While the other squirrels politely offer gifts to Old Brown, the resident owl, in exchange for permission to gather nuts, Nutkin can't resist taunting the owl with his cheeky riddles and antics. His behavior eventually leads to a dangerous encounter with Old Brown. This delightful tale, filled with humor and gentle lessons about respect and behavior, continues to captivate readers with its engaging narrative and memorable characters.

The Tale of Squirrel Nutkin

  • Beatrix Potter

  • 978-1-964434-05-6

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